About Us
We moved to Ballynoe House in 2015 and after extensive restoration works were delighted to welcome our first guests in April 2018.
Felicity is a portrait and pet portrait artist who also loves quilting and experimenting with textiles. Her work can be found inside the holiday homes as well as around the woodland walk. Having left the area at the age of six and travelled the world, she finally feels at home back in beautiful West Cork.
Many of her family and friends run quality businesses in the area.
As the full-time gardener of five acres and resident family historian/genetic genealogist, Mark has been researching their roots, supporting collaborative family history & DNA research, since 1979. He has several genealogical blogs on Facebook and a newspaper column. Guests benefit from free help with their British and Irish family history or can seek advice on research and understanding their DNA test results. He is a former Director of the Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce.
Mark & Felicity Grace T/A Ballynoe House
Business Partnership Reg. 573199 (Ireland); VAT no. IE 3419741JH